The liver is the largest internal organ and sits just under your rib cage on the right side of your abdomen. Without your liver, you couldn’t digest food, absorb nutrients, or get rid of toxic substances from your body to stay alive. Liver problems can be inherited due to poor diet, or occur in response to viruses or toxins. Some liver problems are temporary and go away on their own, while other liver problems are chronic and lead to serious complications. This study evaluated the eects of a commercial dietary supplement on improving liver health.
Five men (mean ± SD; age 35.8 ± 8.3 years; height: 1.86 ± 0.10 meter; weight: 96.2 ± 12.6 kg) volunteered to participate in this open-label study. The participants were assigned to ingest a supplement containing N-Acetyl-Cysteine 400 mg, Alpha-Lipoic Acid 100 mg, BiosorbTM Silymarin 100 mg, Choline Bitartrate 100 mg, Vitamins E 40 IU and B12 20 mcg, and two ayurvedic herbs, Picrorhiza kurroa 25 mg and Andrographis paniculata 25 mg (LiverX®, MRM, Oceanside, CA), de- livered in capsule form, four times per day. Participants were tested for liver and kidney functions (LifeExtension National Diagnostics, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL). After base line testing, the participants began supplementing LiverXTM for 4 weeks, followed by a post analysis of the relevant blood markers.
LiverX® administration resulted in significant improvements of liver and kidney markers. Pre/Post values and dierences in liver (ALT, AST) and kidney markers (BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine ratio) are presented in the figures below.
LiverX® supplementation was determined to be beneficial at improving ALT and AST by 24% and 6%, respectively. In addition, LiverX® has been shown to improve kidney functions, by improving BUN, Creatinine and BUN to Creatinine ratio by 33%, 5% and 29%, respectively.
The current findings suggest that LiverX® supplementation for 4 weeks can improve liver and kidney functions. LiverX® is an eective and safe dietary supplement for those interested in improving their liver health.
Mark Olson1, Joseph Mannion1, Chuck Rudolph1, Jaroslav Boublik,1,2, Josh McPherson1, Ralf Jäger1,3, Martin Purpura1,3
1 Research & Development, Metabolic Response Modifiers, 2665 Vista Pacific Dr., Oceanside, CA 92056
2 AquaConneXions Pty Ltd, PO Box 991, Cardi, CA 92007
3 Increnovo LLC, 2138 E. Lafayette Pl, Milwaukee, WI 53202