Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals found in the body, 50-60% is found in our bones, and the rest in soft tissue. It also acts as a cofactor in over 300 enzyme systems. Cofactors are non-protein compounds that are required for enzymes to function and help in biochemical transformation. (1)
One of the most important reactions that magnesium is involved in is energy production and the glycolytic pathways that turn the carbohydrates you eat into energy for your body. Some other key reactions are:
- Protein synthesis: Magnesium is required to build/develop bones and DNA/RNA.
- Blood glucose control: Deficiencies in magnesium have been associated with poor glucose metabolism and insulin resistance/diminished sensitivity. (2)
- Muscle function: Magnesium helps relax muscles by acting as a calcium channel blocker. When magnesium levels are too low, your muscles may contract more, leading to muscle cramps/spasms.
- Nerve function: helps block/inhibit excitatory receptors to support mental relaxation
- Blood pressure regulation: Magnesium has a direct effect on the ability of vascular smooth muscles to relax and regulation of important blood pressure cations (sodium, potassium, and calcium). (3)
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium ranges between 310mg-420mg. This value is dependent on age, gender, pregnancy, and/or lactation status. Similar to the magnesium abundance in the body, it is also widely found in food sources, specifically in those that contain dietary fiber. In addition, some foods, like cereals and grains, are fortified with magnesium after processing. The foods with the highest quantity of magnesium are:
- Pumpkin Seeds (156mg per oz)
- Chia seeds (111mg per oz)
- Almonds (80mg per oz)
- Spinach (78g per ½ cup)
Sometimes it is hard to meet the RDA for vitamins and minerals. A nutritional health survey, NHANES, indicated that 48% of Americans do not meet the RDA for magnesium with their diets. That’s where supplements come in, like our Relax-All Magnesium: A spin-off of our traditional Relax-All with a focus on relaxation, natural sleep, and stress.
This dissolvable magnesium supplement has a high absorption rate and comes in 3 delicious flavors. What makes Relax-All magnesium unique is the utilization of sea magnesium as well as magnesium carbonate. Together with citric acid, and when mixed with water, the magnesium becomes ionic and highly absorbable. We recommend mixing it into a cup of warm water before bed to promote natural sleep. However, you can also take it in smaller doses throughout the day to destress!
1. NIH. Magnesium- Fact Sheet. September 25, 2020. Accessed December 29th, 2020
2. Barbagallo M, Dominguez L. Magnesium and type 2 diabetes. World J Disbetes. 2015;6(10):1152-1157.
3. Rosanoff A, Magnesium and hypertension. Clin Calcium. 2005;15(2)L255-60.